ZKPOS Restaurant

ZKPOS Restaurant Software
Previous version
New version

  1. Bug fixing
  2. design improvements
  3. Update software license version 2
  4. Distributor and retailer option in contact us for support
  5. Feed back options for customer
  6. Search option in utility
  7. Addition of selling area in store
  8. Update second language in invoice print
  9. secondary name printing option in invoice
  10. Secondary name in temporary bill
  11. Price list option
  12. Ticket type wise product list
  13. Tax template option
  14. Ingredient unit master for the conversion between stock unit and ingredient unit
  15. Recipe addition for bulk quantity
  16. Wastage addition option in recipe
  17. Exemption tax option in product list
  18. Vegetarian or non vegetarian selection option in product list
  19. Select between inventory, non inventory and recipe items
  20. Change ticket type option from billing window
  21. Option to change price , tax and discount from billing window
  22. Print preview option in settlement window
  23. Print preview option from tickets
    24.Translation language selection option in general settings for product and department
  24. Software language option to switch the software language from dashboard
  25. KOT on receipt print
  26. KOT with sale price
  27. Improvements in invoice splitting option

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